Victor Chakraborty

3/25/20235 min read

a black hole in the sky with a black hole in the center
a black hole in the sky with a black hole in the center


I see you thought adding more hydrogen to your star preparation would add more glamour and flash but what you forgot was the warning I gave before. The more hydrogen you add the faster it will burn.

The star you prepared now is a massive star. It’s so massive that even after losing all its hydrogen it’s still extremely heavy. Your star is so big that now it starts burning all its helium but for that you need to let it grow even bigger and your star becomes hugeeeeee. It becomes a “Red Supergiant”

Your red supergiant star now ends up all its helium and starts fusing heavier elements inside in its core to stay burning. It now forms lithium, oxygen, carbon, magnesium and finally Iron. By this time its Iron core is so heavy that it collapses on itself due to gravity. Boooomm goes your star. A enormous blast occurs that literally shreds your kitchen into its atoms. It’s a “Supernova”

A star with still heavier masses will now slowly form a neutron star where there will be nothing left in its core other than Neutrons. A neutron star is so heavy that if you now put your finger in that star your fingers will weigh millions of pounds. Some stars will stop in this phase

For some stars the final end will be more traumatic. A neutron star with heavy mass will start to spin on its axis furiously throwing radiation across everywhere forming a “Pulsar” while some even more heavier star will have so much gravity that it will collapse in itself to form a black hole from which not even light can escape.


In this stellar kingdom where stars have to die and bigger is never the better there is one sort of stars which are red hot and small. These stars are what we call as the Red Dwarfs. These stars can live for trillions of years compared sun like stars which only lives for 10 Billion years


So ladies and gentlemen every good thing in this universe comes to an end. The arrow of time runs in forward direction forever. The stars you prepared in your stellar kitchen have also ended their lives.See you next time in another crazy episode of Cooking the Universe

Ladies and gentlemen boys and girls welcome to the first episode of Cooking the Universe. Tonight we have a special menu for you. We will learn how to cook a star. Now before we start with our preparations we have to understand star comes in all shapes and sizes and in many colors. Racist people can already leave because there is no place for racism while cooking a star.


Before we start making our delicious stars we have to understand the fundamentals of it. We have to understand the things we will absolutely need to make a star

  1. Hydrogen gas cloud

  2. The 4 fundamental forces of nature- Strong nuclear force, weak nuclear force, Electromagnetism and Gravitation

  3. Space

  4. External force like a supernova.


First of all collect all the hydrogen gas cloud you have and concentrate them in place light years across called stellar nebula. Now keep adding hydrogen into it. Remember the more hydrogen you add the bigger your star will be but sooner it will collapse. So Bigger is not always better here.

Create a force to start cooking and frying your star. This force can also be a distant supernova whose shock waves will be enough to start the initial process.

Kids, remember as the process of cooking stars don’t put too less of hydrogen into it otherwise it will not burn and will fail to ignite and will end up as a failed experiment called “Brown Dwarfs”

Now as you add hydrogen let the gravity slowly act on it. Gravity will pull the hydrogen inside like wheat dough and it will soon start to burn in heat. A nuclear fusion will start inside and here you have your prototype star called “proto star”

Now kids do not overcook the star. Let it cook slowly and burn the hydrogen inside. The more hydrogen your star has the faster it will burn it. Your star is now a tasty cuisine called “main sequence star”. If you want to look for motivation around you then remember our sun is a main sequence star.

Now your tasty star will burn more and more hydrogen and produce a lot of gas in form of helium. If your star is heavier than 1.44 times the mass of the sun then your star will have a rather gruesome ending but if your star is a average mediocre in this world of mediocre then your star will find some beautiful ways of ending its life

Your star, which was once a baby you created, so sweet fragile yet beautiful Is now nearing a new evolutionary stage.


The baby star you cooked is now a grown up boy. He is going to go through two distinct phases depending on the amount of hydrogen you fed him. If your baby star has lesser mass than Sun or equal then it will burn all its helium gases left over from hydrogen burning and then expand into a big giant called “Red Giant”

After your mediocre star forms a red giant it will burn all its helium slowly and once that phase ends there will be no stopping the Thermal pressure of the star which pushes the boundary of the star outwards against the act of the gravity.

Soon your nice little creation will throw away all its materials outside at a enormous velocity forming beautiful patterns in the space called a “Planetary Nebula”. Once your star reaches this stage the only existing part of the star now will be its small core which will have a final burning radiation called “White dwarf”. It will be lost in its utmost mediocrity of the enormous sizes of the stellar kingdom…. Finally its end when it will lose its final glory of radiation and will form a black dwarf and be lost forever….

Finally your cooking pan will have nothing but a black mass called black dwarf into it. Every food you prepare has a ending in its form of disorder. 2nd law of thermodynamics always wins.

Cooking the


How to cook a star?

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a planetary planetary planetary planetary planetary planetary planetary planetary planetary planetary planetary planetary planetary planetary planetary
a diagram of a star system showing the different stages of life
a diagram of a star system showing the different stages of life

FIG 1- Lifecycle of the stars. Source- Encyclopedia Britannica

FIG2- Real image of Black hole. Source- NASA

FIG3- Cats Eye Planetary Nebula. In the middle of this nebula lies a once sun like star which has now blown off all its stellar gases across the universe forming beautiful pattern. Source- Wikipedia